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Shobna Gulatiの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

John Michie success and Shobna Gulati failure - 2015年10月9日
I sent a photo, letter and SAE to both John and Shobna as well as letters to 4 other cast members in one envelope on: 13th December 2012, and early June 2015, I recieved my photo back signed and personalized only by John Michie, still really happy though. address I used was: John Michie and Shobna Gulati, Old Corrie address Here is the pic:

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Shobna Gulati success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年1月13日
I sent a photo, that wasnt signed on my previous request, letter and SAE to Shobna as well as 12 others in one big envelope on: 4th January 2013, and on Friday I recieved my photo back signed and personalized as requested. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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Shobna Gulati success ( Coronation Street) - 2012年12月22日
I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Shobna as well as 8 others on: 10th December 2012, and today I recieved both photos back with only 1 signed and personalized <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here are the pics: - -

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Shobna Gulati success ( Coronation Street) - 2012年12月22日
I sent a photo from when I met her, letter and SAE to Shobna as well as 11 others on: 29th November 2012, and today I recieved my photo back signed and personalized. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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Shobna Gulati success ( Coronation Street) - 2012年12月22日
I sent a photo from when I met her, letter and SAE to Shobna as well as 8 others on: 10th December 2012, and today I recieved my photo back signed and personalized. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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