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Simon Fisher-Beckerの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Simon Fisher-Becker "Harry Potter" - 2013年6月5日
Hello is send to him 2 Photos and received + 1 DinA4 Photo Send on 21.05.2013 received 06.05.2013 Adress on Database - - Greetings from Germany

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Simon Fisher-Becker Doctor who/Harry Potter success - 2013年5月21日
So happy with this success Sent: Letter, SAE, photo of him on Doctor who on 13th May 2013 Received: Photo I sent signed and photo he sent signed today ( 21st May 2013) I am so happy with this success! I have been speaking to him on Facebook he is a really nice guy! Pictures: Photo I sent: - Photo he sent: - Envelope: - Address: Simon Fisher-Becker JAFFREY MANAGEMENT LTD 74 Western Road Romford Essex RM1 3LP UK

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Simon Fisher-Becker (HARRY POTTER / DOCTOR WHO) Success - 2012年12月29日
Im really sorry to put it only now but Ive broke my computer, now Ive got it back so I can upload it : Sent : Early August Recieved : 7th December (my 2 photos signed + some drawings on the envelope) - -

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Simon Fisher-Becker SUCCESS - Harry Potter, Dr Who - 2012年11月22日
Sent 7/11/12, Received 22/11/12 via Jaffray Management, Essex RM1 3LP Actor - Harry Potter (Fat Friar), Dr Who (Dorium Maldovar) Received 1 x Letter, typed with personally detailed letter, signed. 2 x Signed Dr Who Doodles 2 x Signed Xmas Cards 9 x Signed Dr Who Trading Cards 5 x Signed photos (which he provided without being asked) Pretty awesome success for one letter, well chuffed I am Pic at RM

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Simon Fisher-Becker Autograph (Success!) - 2012年9月8日
I sent a LOR, SASE and 1 photo. I also personally spoke to Simon on Facebook, which was really nice as he does interact with his fans on the site! Today I received my photo back signed and personalized and I also received a personal letter from Simon. I used the address in the database. Sent: 14/08/12 Received: 08/09/12 Photo: - Letter: -

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