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Skai Jacksonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Skai Jackson RTS - 2020年11月12日
Hi I Tried to write Skai Jackson a letter so that I could get her autograph and a zoom meeting with her but I didn't get a letter from her because it said undeliverable address return to sender so I don't what her new address is it needs to be updated

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skai jackson awesome sucess - 2012年11月13日
sent sase and letter on 10-12-2012 recived personized pic with pp signature a personalized signed pic and cast pp pic on 11-13-2012 address used skai jackson jesse disney channel 3800 alamedia ave burbank cal 91505 pic posted on facebook

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Skai Jackson fan mail success!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 2012年10月25日
SENT- AUGUST 6 2012 RECIEVED- OCTOBER 22 2012 Address- skai Jackson Candy Manson c/o Marilyn Zitner Mngt 16 Penn Plaza suite 722 New York, NY 10001 PHOTO 1- - PHOTO 2- - PHOTO 3- - PHOTO 4- -

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Skai Jackson (JESSIE) Amazing Success! - 2012年10月22日
I wrote to Skai Jackson, who plays Zuri on Disney Channels "Jessie" May 15, 2012. However, back then, I was only starting to collect fanmail, and I didnt send it in a 9x12/8x10 envelope- instead I sent it in a standard envelope. Later, September 8, 2012, I remailed the same letter to her with a SASE in a larger envelope. Today, October 22, 2012, I received a reply with four photos- three of them signed!! This was such a great success for me, as Jessie is one of my favorite shows! <img src= However, I wrote to her at: Skai Jackson Marilyn Zitner Management 16 Penn Plaza Suite 722 New York, NY 10001 USA and then received my photos with the return address from: Skai Jackson “JESSIE” Disney Channel 3800 W Alameda Ave Burbank, CA 91505 USA My guess is that she probably just gets it forwarded to the Jessie set from now on, so it would be a better idea to write to her there, than to the NY one in case she either doesnt write from there or just gets it forwarded. Below are the photos of the autographs and envelope! She sent me 3 signed photos, one of which was signed by all of the Jessie cast, and one other photo of the cast that is unsigned. <img src= P.S. She didnt use my SASE, which makes me wonder which letter of mine she replied to... <img src= " title="Rolling Eyes" /> Photo #1: - Photo #2: - Photo #3 (Unsigned): - Photo #4 (signed by all of Jessie cast): - Envelope: - All photos: - Thanks so much, Skai! This is definitely one of my favorite successes so far! <img src= <img src=

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Skai Jackson success from Jessie! - 2012年10月17日
Sent to Skai Jackson in July 12? Recvied yesterday october 16! - - Yes sent a sase

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