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Skandar Keynesの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Skandar Keynes success - 2014年9月19日
Sent date: 2014/08/18 Received date: 2014/09/19 (I'm from Taiwan) Address: Skandar Keynes Hamilton Hodell 20 Golden Square London W1F 9JL UK <img src= <img src= <img src=

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Skandar Keynes Success - 2014年7月22日
Sent 1.28.2014 two photos, SASE, LOR I used the address in database Skandar Keynes Hamilton Hodell 20 Golden Square London W1F 9JL UK Receive 6.19.2014 my photos back unsigned, and one with his auto Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Skandar Keynes "Chronicles of Narnia" Success! - 2013年10月3日
I am super excited for this success! I have watched Chronicles of Narnia since it came out! This is my first success from any of the cast! I sent to all of them on the same day and his is the first to come back! I sent 2 pictures, LOR, and a SAE to the address in the database, and received them both back signed, and personalized! And he paid for postage! I always liked Edmund the most so I am happy his came back! Skandar Keynes Hamilton Hodell 5th Floor 66-68 Margaret Street London W1W 8SR UK Sent: July 2, 2013 Received: October 3rd, 2013 - Picture 1 - Picture 2

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Skandar Keynes Success!! - 2013年5月9日
I sent a letter, three photos, fan-art, and 2 IRCs I received three signed photos Sent: 27 March 2013 Received: 07 May 2013 Address used: Skandar Keynes Hamilton Hodell 5th Floor 66-68 Margaret Street London W1W 8SR UK

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Skandar Keynes (Edmund - Narnia) not pre-signed Success - 2013年2月15日
I sent LOR, two photos and SAE. Received my photos signed in my SAE. My previous (pre-signed) success - viewtopic.php?t=244081 Sent: 24 September 2012 Received: 13 February 2013 Address used: Skandar Keynes Hamilton Hodell 5th Floor 66-68 Margaret Street London W1W 8SR UK - - -

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