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Sophia Lorenの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 29ページ):

Sophia Loren Success - 2017年5月24日
Sophia Loren Success Sent: 10/04/17 Received: 24/05/17 I sent letter, SAE and 2 photos. Received my signed photos. Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland Photos: Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Sophia Loren success! - 2017年5月12日
Sent a LOR and self addressed envelope and $3 cash for return postage to Ms. Loren. I sent it to the data base address on Nov. 15 2016. On Dec. 23 2016 I received an autographed picture post card. The autograph was definitely hand written. I compared it to identical autographed photos. It was not made with an auto pen.However it appears the self addressed envelope containing the photo was mailed from US. Thank you Ms. Loren. The photo got damaged while removing it out of the envelope because it was stuck to the inside of the envelope.

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Sophia Loren Success - 2017年4月6日
Sent a LOR, SAE, IRC and one picture. Got my picture back signed with dedication. Very fast success!!! And I am happy to get this great actress. One small nuisance: The signature got smudged a bit. Sent: 23/03/2017 Received: 05/04/2017 [uAdress used: [/u Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland I will add a picture of the signature and envelope later.

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Sophia Loren SUCCESS - 2017年3月16日
Send: 04/01/2017 Recive: 13/03/2017 Address: Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland

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Sophia Loren SUCCESS! - 2016年12月25日
This is my fourth TTM autograph, my first international TTM autograph, and the best early Christmas present I could have asked for! <img src= I have been waiting pretty impatiently since I sent it out, but all things considered I think it was a fast success! Sent: 11/19/16 Received: 12/24/16 http://surfmypictures.com/image/4b7ba34 ... mpt5z.html I sent a photo, letter of request, a self-addressed envelope, and a five euro note (to cover shipping costs) to: Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland Thank you, Fanmail! <img src=

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