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Stacey Solomonの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Stacey Solomon - PP - 2012年5月24日
I sent an email to her agent http://www.maxclifford.com/ and received a PP back after 2 days!!! Very fast, but Im a bit disappointed with the PP ... Email sent: 16.05.2012 Received: 18.05.2012 anyways.. here are some pics <img src= - -

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Stacey Solomon Success (X Factor, Sing if you Can) - 2012年2月6日
Sent: 10th October 2011 Received: 6th Feb 2012 Sent: Letter, Questionnaire and a SSAE Received: Signed and Personalised photo and questionnaire filled in! Sent to address in database, Max Clifford Associates! Envelope: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... 470520.jpg Picture: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... 955494.jpg Questionnaire: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... 64acfc.jpg Really happy with this success as I think shes amazing... <img src=

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Stacey Solomon Personalised Success - 2011年12月10日
I sent off this picture and it returned today Personalised, in the SAE I sent. Picture: http://paulsautograph.webs.com/apps/pho ... =144559422 Address: The Fan Mail one in Database Envelope & Thankyou note: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84 ... 01219.jpg/

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Stacey Solomon Success! - 2011年10月7日
Date Send: 18/08/2011 Date Received: 6/10/2011 Send: LOR, SAE, 2 photos (4x6) and an index card Received: My 2 photos and index card signed and personalized! Address: MAX CLIFFORD ASSOCIATES Moss House 15-16 Brooks Mews Mayfair London W1K 4DS Pictures: - - -

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