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Stan Musialの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 6ページ):

stan musial - 2013年1月20日
got these a while ago

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Stan Musial SUCCESS!!!!!!!! - 2012年11月13日
On November 2, 2012 I sent a letter, SASE, 5X7 picture, to Hall of Famer Stan "The Man" Musial. In the letter, I extended my sympathies on the recent passing of his beloved wife of 70+ years, Lillian. Today (November 13) I received my picture signed! <img src= [us<!-- s[us --> 

Address used: 
Mr. Stan Musial
c/o StanTheMan Inc.
1650 Des Peres Road, Suite 125
St. Louis, MO 63131

Very grateful that Mr. Musial signed this! On only my second try too!


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Stan Musial RTS - 2012年10月12日
On September 20, 2012 I sent a letter, SASE, picture, and sharpie to Stan Musial. Today, I received an RTS with "refused, returned for postage". Could have sworn I weighed this... Sent to Stan the Man inc.

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Stan Musial TTM Fail - 2012年8月12日
Sent my very first TTM out to a great Cardinal legend and HOFER. I sent a SASE, letter, and 4x6 photo to Stan Musial, and received the photo back returned in my SASE unsigned. A little bummed, but I understand its his time and energy. Sent: Aug 1st Received: Aug. 9th Stan Musial c/o StanTheMan Inc. 1650 Des Peres Road, Suite 125 St. Louis, MO 63131

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Stan Musial Failure - 2012年7月31日
Hi Everyone! On 07/18/2012, I sent Stan Musial a sincere heartfelt letter (no request whatsoever). On 07/20/2012, I sent Stan Musial a sincere heartfelt letter/LOR, and SASE. On 07/27/2012, I received in my SASE an unsigned postcard. I'm not too disappointed, because I suspected that would happen, but hoping I was wrong, I had to try at least once. It seems to me that everyone that sends a Sharpie with their request is successful, because in none of the failures was a Sharpie sent. Addy used: Stan Musial, c/o StanTheMan Inc, 1650 Des Peres Road Suite 125, St. Louis MO 63131. Sorry, no scan of the envelope or unsigned postcard. Happy Collecting Everyone!

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