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Stanislas Wawrinkaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Stanislas Wawrinka success - 2014年1月31日
Kinda old success, but totally forgot to post it. On 14.11.2013 I sent to Stan LOR, SAE and IRC and on 27.11.2013 I received signed card Address used: Stanislas Wawrinka Ferme du Chateau CH 1040 Saint Barthelemy Switzerland Photo Envelope

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Stanislas Wawrinka (tennis player) Success!!!!!!! - 2014年1月23日
Send: Oct.19th.2013 Received:Jan.22nd.2014 Address: Stanislas Wawrinka Ferme du Château Ch. de la Ferme du Château 4 1040 St-Barthélemy Switzerland Stan is one of my favorite tennis players. 3 months ago, i send 2 photos to this address. Yesterday,i got my photos and one card. So excited! He defeated Novak after failed 14 times. Such a great player! Allez Stan!!! pic. link: http://pic.twitter.com/JkhhDUBkyP - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Stanislas Wawrinka Success - 2013年4月19日
I sent LOR, SAE and IRC to Stanislas Wawrinka Ferme du Château CH 1040 Saint Barthelemy Switzerland and received a signed card of him. - Date sent: 08.04.2013 Date received: 19.04.2013

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Stanislas Wawrinka - 2012年7月10日
- delais: 1 semaine envoyé: lettre + enveloppe retour recu: 2 cartes dedicacées adresse: Stanislas Wawrinka Ferme du chateau CH 1040 Saint Barthelemy Suisse

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Stanislas WAWRINKA (Tennis) success !! - 2012年6月2日
Date Send: 11/05/2012 Date Received: 29/05/2012 Send: SAE, 8x10 photo, 2 IRC Received: my photo signed and personalized ! Address used: Stanislas Wawrinka Ferme Du Chateau CH-1041 St. Barthelemy Switzerland - - <img src=

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