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Stefanie Scottの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

Stefanie Scott GREAT success!!! - 2011年8月27日
So, I e-mailed Stefanie's website asking for an autographed photo () and got a reply telling me to send a SASE to the Disney Channel address. So, the next day I sent a letter to Stefanie Scott/ Lexi ANT Farm Disney Channel 3800 W. Alameda Ave. Burbank, CA 91505 Then, about 3 days later I got a reply from her website that said 'Sent one out.' So, weeks passed and I never got anything. Then, yesterday I recieved a personalized photo from Stefanie when I sent out the e- mail. Yay! I am a little confused, but HAPPY!!!

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Stefanie Scott 2 in one! - 2011年8月27日
So I sent her an email 1-2 months ago and never got a response so I sent her a letter. Then I got a pre print. So today I see an envolpe in my mail box [ugotmail and I open it and it is an autograph from her. It is a real autograph this time. I also got some recipt for something from 08 and I dont know what it is. Here is the first pre print, and the first envolpe. I used this address Stefanie Scott "A.N.T. Farm" Disney Channel, Inc. 3800 W. Alameda Avenue Burbank, CA 91505 USA - - I will post the other envolpe and the picture later.

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Stefanie Scott success! (A.N.T. Farm) - 2011年8月7日
She plays Lexi on A.N.T. Farm. Emailed her using official website http://www.stefaniescott.com/contact.php <img src= Picture: - Comments welcome!

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Stefanie Scott RTS :( - 2011年8月1日
Hi I received today a RTS from this address Stefanie Scott Precision Entertainment 6338 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA It says on the envelop : '' We don't represent her! '' Sorry no scan ! Julie

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