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Steffanie Leighの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Steffanie Leigh SUCCESS! - 2012年8月29日
One week ago I have sent an email to Steffanie Leighs official website (http://www.steffanieleigh.com/). Three days ago I have receveid this personalized photo. PHOTO: - ENVELOPE: -

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Steffanie Leigh - Success - 2012年8月27日
Today brought in Steffanie Leigh who played Mary in The Marry Poppins Musical on broadway. I sent an email to her off of her website http://www.steffanieleigh.com/ on August 21, 2012 and it came in today. Took about 6 days to come in. You can deff tell that the picture was presigned and most likely an assistant added the personalization with the quote. Either way its a cool thing to have! -

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Steffanie Leigh Success - 2012年8月23日
Steffanie Leigh Date send : July 11, 2012 Date received : August 23, 2012 What I send : email Email address : Type autograph : Authentic and personalized Autograph : Enveloppe : P.S. IT'S NICE TO HELP OTHERS TO HAVE AUTOGRAPH OF THEIR IDOLE AND NOT KEEP THE ADDRESS FOR YOURSELF. THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION.

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Steffanie Leigh Success! - 2012年8月21日
So 4 days ago I recieved this Autograph in the mail from Steffanie Leigh! She Played Mary in The Marry Poppins Musical on broadway! It was an Email success! This was the E-mail I used http://www.steffanieleigh.com, She is reallyy sweet and she even personalized it for me! I received it with in 3 Days! Here are the Photos! - - Recently Sent and Most Wanted One Direction Cher Lloyd Tom Daley Ed sheeran Demi Lovato Katy Perry and Luke Bilyk! Favorite Successes: Taylor Swift, Mark Salling, Max Schneider

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Steffanie Leigh email Success - 2012年8月11日
Received : August 11, 2012 I sent an email to Ms Leigh Some days ago, and she sent me a signed card! Thanks Ms. Leigh! I used the email: info at steffanieleigh.com -

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