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Stephanie Beachamの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Stephanie Beacham Success - 2013年10月7日
Hey guys, Had a great success from Stephanie Beacham land on my doorstep today! I wrote to Stephanie on 27 August 2013 telling her how much I loved her as an Actress, particularly in Bad Girls, with 3 photos to be signed. Today I received all 3 photos back signed, and personalised. Very pleased indeed. She always seems to be good with her fans autograph requests. Sent: 27 August 2013 Received: 7 October 2013 Address used: United Agents Ltd, 12-26 Lexington Street, London, W1F 0LE - -

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Stephanie Beacham success - 2013年7月4日
Sent: letter,sae and photo on 10th June 2013 to: United Agents, London, W1F 0LE Recieved: My photo back signed today (4th July 2013) Picture: -

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Stephanie Beacham - 2011年10月3日
Sedn 09/08/11 lor , sase and 1 photo . On 03/10/11 I recieved my photo signed and dedicated <img src= <img src= Used address in database ! Stephanie Beacham United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK photo : http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/8107/scannen0001yd.jpg

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