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Stephen Colbertの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Stephen Colbert Success - 2011年8月13日
Here's a response from another letter I wrote while in Afghanistan. I wrote to Stephen Colbert c/o Colbert report address in the db. Addy is also on the envelope in the pic. PIC: I love the jacket... Very happy about this one he personalized it to me I covered up my last name and address on the envelope. I don't need any more stalkers. Also, it took about a year. I sent from Afghanistan and asked him in the letter if he wasn't able to respond by march 2011 if he could send it to my house, and gave him my home addy. The other successes I've posted from Afghanistan I either got over there, or they were forwarded to my house since I got back march 11. Just wanted to add; Stephen Colbert has always been amazing to the troops, he did his show from Iraq (just after I left Iraq:/ ) He also does a ton of shows where soldiers make up his entire audience. There are a lot of celebs that do USO shows for us while we're deployed and he's among the best. Alright i wont keep editing this, I'm just extremely happy. Thanks for your time. That is all.

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