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Stepsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Steps success - 2013年3月25日
I sent a letter and SAE to Steps on: 11th March 2013, and on Saturday I recieved this photo back signed. <img src= address I used was: Steps, c/o The TCB Group, 24, Kimberley Court, Kimberley Road, Queens Park, London NW6 7SL Here is the pic: -

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Steps fast Success genuine??? - 2013年3月11日
Sent 3/3/13 - 1 CD album cover recieced 8/3/13 - CD album cover unsigned and 1 picture signed used address in database - comments on authenticity welcome

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steps success - 2013年2月7日
Sent a letter and self addressed envelope about a week ago and received a signed card today. - - Very fast success posted start of last week used address in data base <img src=

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Steps (Pop Group) success - 2012年12月5日
I sent the group a LOR, SASE and a photo of the group which I sent to them on November 23, 2012 and today I got a reply! I was surprised to get a reply this quickly since I know the group have just gone on tour again. I was so happy with this success. The group signed and personalised my photo to me. Its the first I have ever got from them and have been a fan for years. Photo: - Envelope: - The address I used: Steps The TCB Group 24 Kimberley Court Kimberley Road Queens Park London, NW6 7SL UK

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Steps - Success! - 2012年11月6日
this was the other thing that came this morning! OMG!!!! So, Ive been obsessed with Steps ever since they were first together in 1998. I was 4 at the time, but still loved them, and still knew all of their song lyrics and dance routines! I was crazy about them - I wanted to be one of them. The day they split, it was a "Tragedy"! but then, 2011 comes, and theyre BACK TOGETHER!!! Even though Im 18 now, I still love Steps like I did the first time round - they were my childhood, so Im allowed to! ;)<!-- s;) --> I just had to send them fanmail and see if theyd sign my photo, and THEY DID! HAPPY BOY RIGHT NOW!

Sent: LOR, 2 photos (the same), SASE
When: 1st October 2012

Recieved: my 2 pictures signed (one personalised & one not, by my request)
When: 6th November 2012

Pictures with Envelope: 

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->

Personalised Picture: 

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->

Unpersonalised Picture: 

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->

<!-- m --><a class=http://www.stepsofficial.co.uk/ I USED THEIR MANAGEMENT ADDRESS! So happy with this success! Probably my favourite one so far, purely because Ive been a huge fan for most of my life!! - Daniel

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