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Steve Eastinの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Steve Eastin - 2021年11月24日
Using this address: Steve Eastin Steve Eastin Acting Studio P.O Box 1477 Burbank, CA 91505 Sent 10-30-21 Recd 11-24-21 Signed photo http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/m97v5.html

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Steve Eastin Actor - 2021年10月29日
Steve Eastin (born June 22, 1948) is an American character actor. He has appeared in nearly 150 television and film roles throughout his decades long career. Eastin is best known for appearing in such films as Field of Dreams (1989), Con Air (1997) and A Man Apart (2003). He played opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in two pivotal scenes in Catch Me if You Can (2002), X-Files (1994). Sent him 2 photos on 28 Sep and got them back signed on 29 Oct. Steve Eastin Steve Eastin Acting Studio P.O Box 1477 Burbank, CA 91505

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Steve Eastin Actor.. Return to Sender - 2021年9月27日
Wrote him a couple weeks ago to Steve Eastin c/0 Steve Eastin Acting Studio 1007 N. Cordova St Burbank CA 91505 Came back Return to Sender Insufficient Address.. Someone had written Please Forward!!! in red pen on the envelope.. Any new addresses out there??

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Actor Steve Eastin Updated address - 2021年8月26日
Using this address Steve Eastin Acting Studio 1007 N. Cordova St Burbank CA 91505 USA Sent 5-28-21 Recd 8-26-21 Recd 8x10 b/w photo http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/6fwr0.html

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