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Steve Garveyの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Steve Garvey Success - 2011年9月15日
In late July to early August 2011, I mailed Dodgers and Padres Legend Steve Garvey a LOR, SASE, and a 1986 Topps Baseball Card to his Indian Wells, California Address. On September 15, 2011, I received my card signed in blue sharpie. Very nice signature.

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steve garvey success!!!!!!! - 2011年7月8日
sent book by steve ans a SASE to this address, along w/ a 15$ donation to his youth baseball in Indian Wells: steve garvey, 74923 hwy 111, indian wells,ca.,92210. sent 6/28/11, got today 7/8/11!!! awesome!!! - -

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Steve Garvey huge success! (Los Angeles Dodgers) - 2011年5月13日
Sent rookie card in toploader, short note and SASE to Steve Garvey at: c/o Los Angeles Dodgers 1000 Elysian Park Ave Los Angeles, CA 90012 Sent on April 1st, 2011. Received back on May 12th, 2011. Rookie card was signed with blue sharpie; came back with toploader but the card was not in it. Miracuously the card was undamaged. Mr. Garvey also included a handwritten note in ballpoint on Dodgers stationary that read (as best as I can make out): Hi, Thank you for your interest in my career. Would you like to donate to my foundation "Youth Baseball in Palm Desert?" Thank you, Steve Garvey. All this was in my SASE, which was not sealed and had a big tear in the back of it. The note is autographed as well. It had an address on it too: Steve Garvey 74923 Hwy 111 Indian Wells, CA 92210 Mr. Garvey used this as the return address on my SASE. Dodgers.com was also printed on the note. I did not send any money originally but I will make a donation now, although he did not give any directions on how to do so. Maybe I will just send a check to the Indian Wells address. SASE was postmarked San Bernandino, CA on May 10th. This is the greatest success I have had so far. I will post scans soon.

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