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Sunderlandの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Sam Allardyce success (Sunderland) - 2016年1月26日
I sent a Christmas card for Sam and an extra one, just before Christmas, and yesterday I recieved my extra card back signed by him. <img src= address I used was: Sam's Brighton Home Here are the pics:

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Gus Poyet TTM success (Sunderland A.F.C.) - 2015年1月19日
I sent 3 photos to Gus Poyet at Sunderland AFC in early January, and a few weeks later I received them back signed along with an A4 print of him which appears to be genuinely signed also.

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GUS POYET FOOTBALL LEGEND! (Sunderland) - 2014年4月26日
Gus Poyet current manager at Sunderland is one of my favourite success to date. I sent a LOR, SASE and 2 photos. I got my 2 photos signed as well as a A4 photo with a preprinted autograph. He has done a good job as manager even if they are going down. Also I am a big fan of his time at Chelsea. Sunderland The Sunderland A.F.C. Ltd. The Sunderland Stadium of Light Sunderland SR5 1SU UK http://i1175.photobucket.com/albums/r63 ... lcabph.jpg

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Martin O'Neil Amazing Success (Sunderland) - 2013年2月22日
Sent- 21 November, LOR and SAE Received- Today, 1 signed photo and a lovely personalized letter! Address- Sunderland The Sunderland A.F.C. Ltd. The Sunderland Stadium of Light Sunderland SR5 1SU UK So so happy as hes a hero of mine! <img src= -

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Martin O'Neill success (Sunderland FC) - 2012年1月15日
Wrote to Martin at Sunderland FC club website address. Sent photo, letter and sae. Got back my photo signed & personalised after a couple of weeks. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/neill.jpg/

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