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Sunetra Sarkerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Sunetra Sarker Success! - 2017年11月29日
Hello, I sent a LOR, 2 photos and a SASE to the database address for Sunetra Sarker. Received both of my photos back, personally signed, after about 2 months. Very happy with this, loved her in Casualty and Ackley Bridge! <img src= Sent: August 2017 Received: November 2017 Address Used: Sunetra Sarker Curtis Brown Group Ltd. Haymarket House 5th Floor 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4SP Thank you!

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Sunetra Sarker (Casualty) Success! - 2017年6月19日
Hello, Today I received another Casualty success, this time it was from Sunetra Sarker who played the part of Zoe Hanna in the show. I sent a LOR and a SASE to the database address and a week and-a-half later, I received a personally signed cast card. Very happy with this, I had lost hope of ever getting a Zoe cast card after she left the show <img src= Sent: 8/6/2017 Received: 19/6/2017 Address Used: Sunetra Sarker Curtis Brown Group Ltd. Haymarket House 5th Floor 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4SP Thank you!

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Sunetra Sarker Success!(Casualty, Doctor Zoe Hanna) - 2015年1月19日
Totally forgot that I had written to her, I assumed my letter had got lost in the post because Ive been waiting more than a year for a reply none the less I was happy when I received this! Sent LOR & SSAE 30th June 2013! received 17th January 2015! Address Used Sunetra Sarker Casualty BBC Roath Lock Studios, BBC Drama Village, Porth Teigr Way, Cardiff Bay Cardiff CF10 4GA Picture > - Picture and envelope > - thanks Sunetra! <img src= Most Wanted Holby City Cast Present & Past Wentworth Prison Cast Nicole Da Silva Danielle Cormack!

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Sunetra Sarker (CASUALTY-Zoe Hanna) - 2013年5月30日
Date Sent: April 5th, 2013 Date Received: May 30th, 2013 Sent LOR and SASE to: Sunetra Sarker c/o Casualty Roath Lock Studios Porth Teigr, Cardiff Bay CARDIFF CF10 4GA WALES Received 6x4 colour "Casualty" promo photocard signed. Thank you very much Sunetra. Here is the link to the photo/envelope. SUNETRA SARKER CASUALTY AUTOGRAPH/ENVELOPE:

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