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Suzi Quatroの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Suzi Quatro RTS - 2016年6月4日
Shame http://surfmypictures.com/image/afde7f0476669de2/h3dqh.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/afde7f0476669de2/h3dqh/1465042137092-295455209_zpsm77joysw.jpg

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SUZI QUATRO - 2014年8月2日
I have send e-mail : suzifanclub at hotmail.co.uk Our with my daughter Helen site : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru P.S. : Offer for selling autographs from my collection. Payment to conduct through WESTERR UNION The Bathed photo will are sent in Your address by registered letters 1 class. If You something interest that see my site: http://helen-autographs.narod.ru Helen

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Suzi Quatro Success!!! - 2014年6月3日
Date Sent: May 28th, 2014 Date Received: June 3rd, 2014 Sent LOR and SASE to: Suzi Quatro c/o Suzi Quatro International Fan Club P.O. Box 1208 Maidstone KENT ME17 3JW England Received 6x4 colour photo signed. Thank you very much Suzi. Here is the link to the photo/envelope. SUZI QUATRO AUTOGRAPH/ENVELOPE: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Suzi Quatro - SUCCESS!!! - 2014年5月23日
Hello <img src= Yeah! Today Ive recieved a pre-signed photo from the Glycerin Queen Suzi Quatro, Im very happy of it. Great end of this week <img src= . I used the address of her fanclub <img src= Sent: 2. May 2014 Recieved: 23. May 2014 Address used: Suzi Quatro International FanClub P.O.Box 1208 Maidstone ME17 3WJ United Kingdom -

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Rock legend Suzi Quatro Success - 2011年11月14日
Sent: 3 June 2011, LOR, SASE and photo Received: 14 November 2011, another photo signed Address used: Suzi Quatro PO BOX 1208 MAIDSTONE ME17 3WJ UK Photo: http://autographpics.blogspot.com

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