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Sylviaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 5ページ):

Sylvia Tanis Success - 2024年6月11日
I wrote to Ms. Tanis on 05/10/2024 and heard back on 06/11/2024 Sylvia Tanis 608 Appletree Ct. Holland MI. 49423-5464

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WNBA Sylvia Crawley Success - 2023年4月15日
Sent a LOR, SASE and 5 TCs to: Sylvia Crawley 19 Spreading Oak Ct Durham, NC 27713 Sent: 3/31/23 Received: 4/15/23

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State Representative Sylvia Luke from Hawaii 25th district Success - 2021年12月3日
Sylvia Luke is an Asian American and is State Representative from Hawaii's 25th district since January 2013. On 11/01/2021 I mailed a letter explaining how I find State Representative Sylvia Luke's work to be very inspiring to me at State Representative Sylvia Luke c/o Office of State Representative Sylvia Luke Hawaii State Capitol Room 306 415 S Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96813 (took about 5 weeks) On 12/03/2021 I received a nice letter from State Representative Luke and she wished me a Happy Birthday for December 3rd. Here is the link:

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Honorable Sylvia Mathews Burwell from Washington D.C. Success! - 2019年4月1日
Honorable Sylvia Mathews Burwell served in the President Obama administration from 2013-2017, She served as Director of Office of Management and Budget from 2013-2014 and as 22nd U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2014-2017. In June 2017, She became the first woman to become President of American University. She is still currently serving as 15th President of American University. On 2/20/2019 I mailed a letter explaining how I find her work to be very inspiring to me at: Honorable Sylvia Mathews Burwell c/o Office of the President American University 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016-8060 (took aout 7 weeks) On 4/01/2019 I received a nice letter from her. Here is the link:

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Sylvia Singer Songwriter - 2018年6月16日
Sylvia Jane Hutton (née Kirby, born December 9, 1956), known simply by her first name Sylvia during the 1980s, is an American country music and country pop singer and songwriter. She enjoyed crossover music success with her single "Nobody" in 1982. It reached #15 on the Billboard Hot 100, #9 on the Cashbox Top 100, and #1 on the Billboard Country Singles chart. The song earned her a gold record certification and a Grammy Award nomination for Best Female Country Vocal Performance . Although "Nobody" was Sylvia's only single to reach the Billboard pop charts, her other big country hits include "Drifter" (No. 1 Country, 1981), "Fallin' in Love", "Tumbleweed" and "Snapshot". In 1982, she was named Female Vocalist of the Year by the Academy of Country Music. She is also credited with making the first "concept" music video clip to air on Country Music Television (CMT), with "The Matador". Sent her 2 photos on 9 Apr and got them back signed on 16 Jun. [youtube-_a3gSyAk5A[/youtube [youtubekNGock6G4Vk[/youtube Mr Sylvia Hutton 4400 Belmont Park Terrance #130 Nashville, TN 37215

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