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Taaffe O'Connellの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Taaffe O'Connell Actress - 2018年6月4日
Taaffe O'Connell (born May 14, 1951) is an American actress and publisher, best known by her fans for her performance in cult-classic sci-fi horror film Galaxy of Terror. Her acting career began in the late 1970s and continued uninterrupted through the 1980s. Her career has seen a rebirth after 2000 and has continued to the present day. She achieved lasting fame within the B-movie, horror film universe for her role as Dameia in Galaxy of Terror. More recently, O'Connell has begun taking acting parts in films again. She has appeared in three films, Spork, Going Down in LA-LA Land and The Change-Up (with Ryan Reynolds) . Her roles in these films have been more comedic than dramatic, similar to her roles on Three's Company and the mid-1980s film Hot Chili. Sent her 2 photos on 14 May and got them back signed on 4 Jun.. She also included a signed photo of a scene she is in with Robert Englund from the film Galaxy Of Terror.. Ms Taaffe O'Connell 11611 Chenault St. Apt 118 Los Angeles, CA 90049

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