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Taissa Farmigaの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Taissa Farmiga success plus other results - 2014年6月3日
Hello, This information may be used by anyone looking to make one million dollars or by a pure collector. Got back Taissa Farmiga .....sent one small black and white, photo came back singed in gold and personalized.... took 6 months and sent to the agent in New York that her sister also uses. Got back Jane Goodall today.... 2 personalized 8 x 10 's that I sent... care of her foundation in Vienna, Virginia Fail from Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter....sent and 8 x 10 ...they sent me back their crappy 8 x 10 and someone actually took the time to put 2 pieces of card board around the pre printed POS! Fail from Chandler Riggs......sent 2 8 x 10 color and got back his own preprinted 8 x 10 color POS.... sent this around a month ago to the Georgia filming addy. Thank you all for posting results.... I will throw a big party when I make my first million. Love, Kevin

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Taissa Farmiga Success - 2013年7月7日
Sent: 1/14/2013 Received: 7/5/2013 Address Used: Taissa Farmiga Authentic Talent and Literary Management 45 Main Street Suite 1004 Brooklyn, NY 11201 -

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