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Teemu Selanneの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Teemu Selanne - 2013年9月18日
Sent him a trading card on 10-15-12 & got it back signed on 6-3-13. Teemu Selanne 31731 Madre Selva Lane Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679-3613

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Teemu Selanne (Anaheim Ducks) Success - 2013年6月11日
Sent LOR, SASE and 1 Card Received my Card back signed in my SASE Took 133 days Sent request c/o Anaheim Ducks See Card Here: Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Teemu Selanne Success - 2013年5月14日
Mailed it out first week of Feb. Got it back today. 3 cards, sase, handwritten letter. Used home address in database Teemu Selanne 31731 Madre Selva Ln Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679-3613 USA -

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Teemu Selanne (Pro Hockey player) Success!!! - 2012年6月10日
As a huge Anaheim Ducks fan, this success is very cool for me... I sent Mr. Selanne a photo, letter and SASE back on Dec. 30th, 2011... Yesterday (June 9th) I recieved my photo back signed by Teemu... I used his home address in the database, the Trabuco Canyon address... Unfortunately the photo got ripped a little, but still very cool to have an autograph from a future hall of famer! <img src= -

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Teemu Selanne success - 2011年11月19日
Sent the great ducks player a card. letter, and SASE to the address in the database (Nov 5). Received my card signed and two other newer cards (one signed and one not) today.

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