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Tessa Peake-Jonesの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Tessa Peake-Jones Success - 2013年3月27日
Tessa Peake Jones is a British actress who is best remembered for her role as Raquel, Del Boy's lover in the hit sitcom Only Fools And Horses. Sent 1 LOR and 2 photos to Ms. Jones at the Independent Talent Group address listed in the database on 06/03/2013. On 21/03/2013, after a 15 day wait, I received my two photos signed plus an additional extra photo plus note. Sorry no scanner, but I can assure you, this reply was authentic.

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Tessa Peake-Jones Amazing Success X5 - 2012年1月24日
Sorry for the late post, i have been a little bit busy recently. Sent: December 12th Received: January 7th 2012 What? a S.A.S.E Address used c/o Independent Talent Group Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS United Kingdom Check Out the pictures on my site here. Picture: 1 (I sent her this photo) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =147653721 Picture: 2 (I sent her this photo) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =147653719 Picture:3 (I sent her this Q&A Sheet) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =147653717 Picture:4 (She also sent me this signed photo) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =147653718 Picture:5 (She also wrote me this nice note) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =147653720

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