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The Honky Tonk Manの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

The Honky Tonk Man failed - 2016年6月24日
Early (Jan) 2015 I sent two wrestling cards to the Honky Tonk Man's Gilbert, AZ mailing address with a letter and SASE. In late Feb I received the cards back in the SASE along with the letter, unsigned. No request for $, nothing. What a bummer.

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The Honky Tonk Man Success! - 2016年2月4日
On December 3, 2015, I sent two WWF trading cards, LOR, and SASE to WWE legend, The Honky Tonk Man (Wayne Farris). On February 4, 2016, I received both cards back, signed and personalized. Address: Honky Tonk Man HTM Enterprises 4665 E. Harwell Street Gilbert, Arizona 85234 http://surfmypictures.com/image/6b2a969 ... q6q8h.html

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The Honky Tonk Man (WWE) SUCCESS!!! - 2015年7月17日
Sent to: The Honky Tonk Man HTM Enterprises 4665 E Harwell St Gilbert, AZ 85234-0218 USA Items sent: LOR, SASE, 8x10 photo Received: My 8x10 photo signed and personalized by the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all-time! Date sent: April 20, 2015 Received: July 15, 2015 PHOTO:

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The Honky Tonk Man - 2014年11月29日
Sent 2 wrestling cards to the Honky Tonk Man at the provided address in mid-September, returned in the SASE unsigned in late November.

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The Honky Tonk Man Success!!! - 2014年4月14日
Sent Six cards to the Honky Tonk Man on 12/2/13 at the address in the website and got it back on 4/11/14 all signed http://surfmypictures.com/image/a0fcc212d8aea9d8/wg08l.html

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