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The Troggsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Reg Presley & The Troggs (Wild Thing) success x 5 - 2012年8月22日
here are the signed photos of the band that made "wild Thing" song famous: sent a request to Reg Presley in 28 June, to his home address. LOR, IRC and 4 photos of The Troggs. he signed the 4 photos and sent the envelope to one of the band assistants asking her to contact the other 3 musicians for me, even if I asked only for his signature. there's more: she enclosed a 5th photo signed, on the back, by all four! great addition for my collection, as I already have 2 signed photos from the composer of Wild Thing, Chip Taylor: address on the envelope: 56 Waite Davies Road London SE 12 0ND

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The Troggs (wild thing) email success - 2011年10月9日
Sent email request on 10/Sep/11 http://www.my-generation.org.uk/Troggs/troggfan.htm I was asked to pay 3 pounds for postage, I payed through Paypal, about a week I received an autographed photo signed by all current members+a letter from their fan club secretary - who was very nice! The autographs are on the back side of the photo (which makes it harder to frame...) The photo is 17cm*13cm Letter: http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/9716/lettervf.jpg Photo: http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/967/photomt.jpg Autographs: http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/9862/autographs.jpg The envelope had nothingi nteresting on it, so I threw it away.

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The Troggs (1966 'Wild Thing') *Purchased* Success!! :) - 2011年5月27日
Received a very cool reply from the U.K. band ‘The Troggs’ today!! <img src= Their best known for the popular 1966 rock and roll song ‘Wild Thing’!! 8)<!-- s8) -->  Sent a request and $5.00 to their fan club Secretary and in return received a 5x7 photo signed by all four members (Reg Presley, Chris Britton, Pete Lucas & Dave Maggs) on the back!!  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= Also got a typed letter thanking me for writing & a promotional flier telling me about their website. <img src= Envelope: - 5x7 Signed Photo - Typed Letter: - Promo Flier: - Sent: May 14th 2011 Received: May 26th 2011 Days Taken: 13 Address Used: “The Troggs Fan Club” C/o Jacqueline Ryan 56 Waite Davies Road London SE12 0ND England United Kingdom RYAN-J 8)<!-- s8) --></td><tr><td style=

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the Troggs ("Wild Thing" + more) success - 2011年5月23日
Mailed to 60's rock n roll legends the Troggs ( WILD THING / ALWAYS SOMETHING THERE TO REMIND ME) June 14, 2010 at The Troggs Fan Club / C/O Jacqueline Ryan / 56 Waite Davies Road / Lee / London SE12 0ND /United Kingdom. Included their Greatest Hits CD booklet, $5.00 for return postage & SAE. Rcv'd May 23, 2011 in my SAE (SAE had large Royal Mail stamp, could not read postmark) my signed CD booklet. Also included in the envelope was a nice personal note apologizing for the delay a Troggs fan Club flyer and a second (much appreciated but unexpected) signed photo. I had nearly given up hope of getting a response, but this goes to show that class will out and the unexpected can come back at any time. This CD will make a nice addition to the CD's on my wall when I get it matted and framed.

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