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Til Schweigerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Til Schweiger Success - 2024年2月5日
Sent: 09/01/2024 - LOR, Q&A, 3 photos, SASE Received: 01/02/2024 - 3 signed photos Til Schweiger Barefoot Films Winsstraße 53 10405 Berlin Germany http://surfmypictures.com/image/01c5e672dd20273d/vsfjt.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/01c5e672dd20273d/3y1i0.html Photo is on my website: https://autograph-world.blogspot.com/2024/02/370-til-schweiger.html

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Til Schweiger Success - 2022年2月9日
Hello to all fans of the autogram collecting :-) Today I would like to tell you, that I recieved signed photo from Mr. Til Schweiger: I wrote him to this address: Til Schweiger Barefoot Films Winsstraße 53 10405 Berlin Germany Sent 22. 11. 2021 Recieved 8. 2. 2022 He is great actor and also director. I saw him at first time in the movie Knockin on Heavens Door. Wonderful cynical but also heartful movie, it is written as best german movie in 1997. Then in Hollywood he was great in Inglorious Basterds. His best directed movie is for me Honig in Kopf. What is interesting, on the letter is stamp from the part of Germany where is Erfurt. So he recieves post in Berlin, but replied to them from different town :-) Just fun fact, minimally for me :-)

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Autograph of Til Schweiger - 2021年2月16日
I send on 10th january to Til Schweiger a letter, an return envelope and 3 photos. On 18th january I get an answer of Til Schweiger. My 3 photos signed. Adress uset: Til Schweiger, Barefoot Films, Winsstraße 53, 10405 Berlin, Deutschland Duration: 8 days Photos: 3 photos signed

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Til Schweiger - 2018年12月9日
I got his Autograph from his Barefoot Films Address. I recieved his Autograph on december 7th 2018. I have send a SASE letter of request and a picture. It took 4 days.

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Til Schweiger SUCCESS ??? - 2016年4月4日
Til Schweiger Barefoot Films Saarbrücker Str. 36, 10405 Berlin, Germany Sent: 16 Mar 2016 >> LOR, 2 pics, SASE Received: 1 Apr 2016 >> 2 pics signed in my SASE Waiting time: 15d Now, what do you think about the signatures, please??? Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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