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Tim Burtonの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 9ページ):

Tim Burton Fast Success - 2013年4月19日
Hi! Today I found in my mail autograph from Tim Burton. Im soooo happy for it, because I love his movies. Im not sure if its authentic, but Im happy for it. Sent: 27th March, SASE Received: 19th April, signed photo, letter Address I used: Tim Burton Tim Burton Productions 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 7500 West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA -

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Tim Burton Authentic Success - 2013年3月19日
I sent Mr. Burton a letter in February with the address in the database. I did not send him a photo. He sent me today a huge one with his autograph, dedicated to me. I could not believe my eyes because I saw on FanMail that he sends only AP. Im so lucky and happy. I cant believe that its real. He even erased in the FAQ the AP part and wrote Signed Photo Enclosed. Thank you Fanmail and Tim Burton. You are the best! <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= - - - -

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Tim Burton success - 2013年3月14日
Sent a letter, 2 dvd covers and a SASE on Feb.29th, 2012 to: Tim Burton Tim Burton Productions 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 7500 West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA Received both covers signed (probably stamped or auto-penned) on March 13th, 2013. -

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Tim Burton Success :D - 2013年2月26日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 3 photographs and a picture on 1 October 2012 Received: 3 AP?I think? in my envelope on 24 February 2013 Address used: Tim Burton Tim Burton Productions 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 7500 West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA ?But the reply letter from the UK? -

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Tim Burton - 2013年2月17日
Hi, I sent a letter, 3 photos and received my photos + another photo - probably AP. What do you think? Sent: 31.12.2012 Received: 14.02.2013 Address: Tim Burton Tim Burton Productions 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 7500 West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA Photo: -

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