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Tim O'Connorの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Tim O'Connor success - 2013年11月5日
Sent a LOR, photo (Buck Rogers) and SASE on 10/15/2013 Received photo signed and personalized on 11/4/2013 Address used (from database): Tim O'Connor P.O. Box 458 Nevada City, CA 95959-0458

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Tim O'Connor Success - 2011年10月31日
Sent Mr. O'Connor LOR, SASE and 2 photos to Nevada City address in database on 10-22-11. Received both back signed 10-31-11. Tim O'Connor P.O. Box 458 Nevada City, CA 95959-0458 USA Buck Rogers(Dr. Huer) photo: Star Trek:TNG(Perfect Mate episode) photo:

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Classic actor "Tim O'Connor" success - 2011年8月22日
O'Connor specialized in playing officials, military men, and police officers. Some of his best-known roles include: Dr. Elias Huer in Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Jack Boland in General Hospital, and Elliot Carson in Peyton Place. As also appeared in -*M*A*S*H*,The Defenders,The Fugitive,Peyton Place,The FBI,Police Story,The Streets of San Francisco,Wonder Woman,Buck Rogers in The 25th Century,Dynasty,General Hospital. mailed photo 7-22-11 Signed though back of photo 7-30-11 used: Tim O'Connor P.O. Box 458 Nevada City, CA. 95959-0458

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