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Tom Bradyの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Tom Brady Failure...But great Patriots fan pack success!! - 2012年7月28日
Sent a LOR to Tom Brady in April(address in database), saying my mom is a huge fan and just had a birthday. I didn't expect to get anything back. Today, although I didn't get a Tom Brady autograph made out to my mom, I got a GREAT Patriots fan pack. I'm a GIANTS fan but my mom will love it and its still pretty cool what she received. She got a Patriots pennant, Tom Brady poster, Birthday card from Tom Brady to my mom, season schedule magnet, mini schedules, stickers, 2012 season program. It cost $8.00 to send the package. If only every sports team could be so generous to their fans.

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Tom Brady failure – (New England Patriots) - 2011年11月1日
I sent Tom Brady a SASE, LOR, and a Football card on 10/24/2011. I received a fan pack on 10/30/2011 with a couple magnets and other small stuff. Luckily it did have my card in with it but not my SASE and that I could have re-used. I always hand write both the letter and the envelope. The envelope it came in was pretty beat up and the only cool picture, a 2010 team photo, was all torn up. I have heard most people get this same thing back but I am just curious if the letters ever get to Brady or if anyone ever has success. Maybe they just let so many get to him. Sent to: Tom Brady c/o New England Patriots One Patriot Place Foxborough, MA 02035

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Tom Brady Failure but Great stuff sent back - 2011年9月30日
I sent a pic to tom brady to the practice facialltity and they sent me back a letter that he gets to much requests and could not have signed it but they sent me a lot of stuff. they sent me a 2008 team photograph,a pencil, a sticker, a pin, bunch of schedules, a tom brady bumber sticker. and a letter signed by brady. they also payed for the return shipping, very nice

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