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Tom Hanksの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Tom Hanks.Success/failure. - 2014年9月11日
Sent: 25/03/2014 Received: 06/06/2014 Photo: Envelope: Address: fanmail

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Tom Hanks - 2014年6月28日
Reicved a letter from Tom Hanks on May 12, 2014 that said he was unable to sign autographs Used the address: Tom Hanks Playtone P.O. Box 7340 Santa Monica, CA 90406-7340 USA here is the photo's link: http://surfmypictures.com/image/f605263744d09b8f/80wyd.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/f605263744d09b8f/0qgbr.html

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Tom Hanks reply but no success - 2014年4月2日
Hi everyone, In late March 2014 I sent a photo, letter and SASE to Tom Hanks at the Playtone address. Today, I received my photo and letter back, with a reproduced note stating that he is currently out of the country and "for the remainder of 2014, my time is not my own." I'm happy they took the time to return my photo. I received a success from him several years ago, so this makes he hopeful that his TTM successes are genuine.

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Tom Hanks RTS... - 2012年8月18日
Tom Hanks, Multi-Oscar winning actor, “Forrest Gump”. 8)<!-- s8) --> 
Sent: 8/6/12, Rec: 8/17/12,…11 days, RTS!!  Sent LOR, Photo, SASE to:

Tom Hanks <!-- s<img src= --><img src= PO Box 5107 Phoenix AZ, 85010 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

Got it back, RTS.  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= Oh my! <img src= " title="Rolling Eyes" /> Oh well. <img src= .:shrugs:. <img src= - 8)<!-- s8) --></td><tr><td style=

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Tom Hanks x2 - 2012年8月9日
I been out of the game for a while. I just recently deployed to Afghanistan so I decided to write some celebrities to make time go faster... I just received a personal note and a signed Afghan bill from Tom Hanks. I sent him a local currency in order to validate my deployment and receive something personal from my time here... These are for my personal collection so I have no intentions of selling... I used the address in the data base... sorry no envelop... Hope you guys like it!! This one is very special!!!! Thanks Robert -

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