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Tom Wlaschihaの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

Tom Wlaschiha Game of thrones - 2013年9月8日
sent photo letter money for postage Feb 20013 rec photo signed plus another sept 2013 -

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Tom Wlaschiha (Game of Thrones - Jaqen H'Ghar) success - 2013年7月30日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 3 photos, 1 custom card 26.04.2013 Received: all our items signed + extra 4 photos signed 26.07.2013 address used: Tom Wlaschiha Hamilton Hodell 66-68 Margaret St. 5th Floor London W1W 8SR UK Photos: http://www.facebook.com/AutografyMatiIPati or http://mati-pati.blogspot.com/2013/07/2 ... chiha.html Envelope: - Any opinions of authenticity are welcome. Please <img src= our facebook fanpage (if you like it) <img src=

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Tom Wlaschiha (Game of Thrones) Success! - 2013年7月26日
Wohoo! So I have been looking forward to this since sending out, hes a great actor and one of my top characters of Game of Thrones (even though he has a short amount of screen time, he is that awesome). I sent a LOR, photo, index card and SASE. Received both signed, photo personalised. <img src= Sent 8th April Received 26 July Address used: Tom Wlaschiha Hamilton Hodell 5th Floor 66-68 Margaret Street London W1W 8SR UK - - -

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Tom Wlaschiha (Game of Thrones) success - 2013年7月15日
Got my custom card back signed. He also sent a signed 4x6 photo which he provided. Mailed..3/28/13...Recv.7/12/13 Mailed to:Agentur Hübchen Pariser Str. 20 10707 Berlin Germany -

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Tom Wlaschiha (Game of Thrones) - SUCCESS X2 - 2013年4月24日
SENT: LOR, SAE, 2 PHOTOS, IRC - Dec. 10 2012 RECEIVED: 2 PHOTOS SIGNED AND DEDICATED - March 29 2013 ADDRESS: Tom Wlaschiha Agentur Hübchen Pariser Strasse 20 10707 Berlin Deutschland PHOTOS: http://superstarkonvickova.blog.cz/gall ... t#92286433 http://superstarkonvickova.blog.cz/gall ... t#92286394 SORRY, NO ENVELOPE THANK YOU MR. TOM <img src= AND FANMAIL <img src=

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