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Tommy Johnの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Tommy John Baseball $$$$ - 2022年2月21日
[uGot this in an email today about Tommy John [/u Player's Name: Tommy John Teams Played For: Cleveland Indians (1963–1964) Chicago White Sox (1965–1971) Los Angeles Dodgers (1972–1974, 1976–1978) New York Yankees (1979–1982) California Angels (1982–1985) Oakland Athletics (1985) New York Yankees (1986–1989) Tommy John is having his agent send out a letter in response to through the mail autograph requests. It reads as follows: I want you to know that as Tommy John's agent, I open all of his mail and he reads every letter he receives. The updated fee for Tommy John's autograph is $50.00 per item. He gets anywhere from 40 to 60 cards a week in the mail. This takes a great deal of his time to sign these for free. Some people send five or six cards at a time. Very often with no money. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you would like to re-send your items, he will gladly sign them for a fee of $50.00 each. Warmest Regards, Cheryl Beecher Zeldin SIGNING FEE INFORMATION $50.00 - per item MAILING ADDRESS Cheryl Beecher Zeldin Attn: Tommy John 3020 Clementine Court Unit 1412 Sarasota FL 34240

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MLB Tommy John Success......or Fake - 2017年3月20日
Sent a LOR, SASE, $10, and TC to : Thomas John 13014 W Palermo Ct Fort Mill, SC 29707 Sent : 11/2/16 Received : 3/20/17 http://surfmypictures.com/image/62de8ca ... mti3x.html First, this isn't the card I sent. Secondly, need suggestions on this autograph. From what I've seen on the internet, this autograph seems different. The "T" in Tommy in my autograph seems different than other online autograph. Also, the "O" in John is never made out in his online autograph but this "O" in my autograph is clearly made. I have a feeling that this may not be genuine. Ideas or comments?

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MLB Tommy John RTS - 2016年10月28日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and TC to : Mr. Tommy John Address Removed Sent : 9/29/16 Received RTS : 10/27/16 http://surfmypictures.com/image/0296193 ... xwbes.html

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Tommy John ROMLB Success!!!!!! - 2011年11月30日
I sent Tommy John a ROMLB to the address in database on 11/22/11 and received it today unexpectedly. I enclosed $15 thinking it was his fee. When I opened it, it stated his fee for a baseball is $25. He signed my baseball on the sweet spot just like I asked. So I plan on sending him the rest just to show my gratitude. So be sure to send him the right amount if you want a baseball signed. - -

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Tommy John success - 2011年5月26日
Sent rookie card in toploader, short note, SASE and $10 dollars cash to Tommy John at: Address Removed Sent on May 19th, 2011. Received back in SASE on May 25th, 2011. SASE was postmarked Charlotte, NC on May 23rd. Signed in blue sharpie. Came back with toploader but not inside it; card was undamaged.

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