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Tony Blairの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 9ページ):

Tony Blair fast email success - 2014年8月8日
Email send on 1 Avg 2014. I got it today on 8 Avg 2014. I used Contact on his site http://www.tonyblairoffice.org/ - -

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2 x Tony Blair Success - 2014年5月19日
I sent a LOR, SAE and 2 Pictures to Tony Blair on 29th April and got both my pictures signed and returned on 15th May, 2 different signature on them has anyone any thoughts on real or sec certainly not autopen. - - Address used was Office of Tony Blair P.O. Box 60519 London W2 7JU Envelope already thrown away. Thanks

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Tony Blair success - 2014年5月14日
I sent a email to http://www.tonyblairoffice.org on April and today i got a reply. i received a signed pic and a card. -

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Tony Blair Awesome Success - 2014年4月24日
Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the UK, guest star in The Simpsons Sent 7/4/14, Received 24/4/14 Address Used... PO Box 60519 London W2 7HU Received 2 x Signed Xmas Cards with handwritten "Merry Christmas!" message added Pic here ... http://one4themoney.wordpress.com/2014/ ... -on-board/

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Tony Blair Success? - 2014年4月7日
I sent an LOR, SASE and photo to the address in the database for Tony Blair on the 16th March, and today I received my photo back signed in my SASE. I am doubtful of the authenticity of this photo because the signature is very similar to the ones on the PP photos he sends out, but I havent heard of him using autopens before. Comments on authenticity are very welcome! Photo: - Envelope: -

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