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Tony La Russaの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 5ページ):

Tony La Russa Success - 2019年5月25日
Sent an 8x10 photo to Tony LaRussa's Animal Rescue in Walnut Creek on 5/8/19. Received the photo back signed 5/24/19.

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MLB Tony La Russa SUCCESS! 2/5/19 - 2019年2月6日
Sent LOR, SASE, and 81 Donruss card to his animal rescue foundation in Walnut Creek, CA 1/14/19. Got response 2/5/19, card returned signed "Tony LaRussa 10" in black marker. http://s1344.photobucket.com/user/dgrooms72/media/IMG_2788%20copy1_zps6fmviup6.jpg.html

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Tony La Russa MLB HOF (Success) (Arizona Diamondbacks) - 2016年3月12日
Sent a SASE and LOR to the legendary MLB manager, Tony LaRussa. Got my card back signed, very nice signature! Address used: Tony LaRussa Arizona Diamondbacks 401 E Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85004 Date sent: 2-29-16 Date received: 3-12-16 Picture:

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Tony La Russa Success (Arizona Diamondbacks) - 2016年2月13日
Sent SASE, LOR, and card to Tony LaRussa on 1/25/16. Received my card signed in my SASE on 2/8/16. Address used: Tony LaRussa Arizona Diamondbacks 401 E. Jefferson Street Phoenix, Arizona 85004

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Tony La Russa Success - 2015年10月5日
On 10/5/15 I received my SASE back with two signed 4x6 photos from MLB Hall of Famer Tony La Russa. Relatively quick turn around time, no more than 2-3 weeks. Thank you Mr. La Russa!

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