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Toronto FCの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Sebastian Giovinco SUCCESS!!! and more! (Toronto FC) - 2018年7月5日
Sent: 04.23.18 Recv'd: 07.05.18 Sebastian Giovinco, Italian footballer MLS MVP, MLS Golden Boot, Toronto FC, Juventus, Parma, Empoli, Italy (23 caps), 2008 Italy Olympics (10 caps) Sent a SASE, LoR, and 8x10 to Seba: Sebastian Giovonco c/o BMO Downsview TFC Academy 85 Carl Hall Rd. Toronto, ON Canada M2K2B9 In my LoR I asked Seba to sign the photo but requested that if he had any other memorabilia lying around he could feel free to include anything - HE DID!!! - in addition to my 8x10 he sent a TFC lanyard and his daily personal BMO Field Pass that he also autographed!!! He even put the extra postage on for me. The SASE I sent also had a return address written on from a very expensive part of Toronto probably his own home - looks like his writing - he actually put a return address on it!

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Toronto FC success - 2015年3月19日
Contacted TFC player Steven Caldwell through Twitter mailed a 8x10 picture and captains armband to address on TFC website on Feb 20/15 received back March 18/15. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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