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Ty Simpkinsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Ty Simpkins success - 2017年7月16日
Hi theman2312 Thank you for your feedback Would you have a scan of the envelope you received please? If so, you are in the run for the $10 gift certificate. on Fanmail.biz | Fanmail 8)

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Ty Simpkins - 2016年4月9日
Sent LOR, two 8 x 10 photos and SASE on February 13th, 2016. On April 8th, 2016 I received my photos returned autographed to my kiddos. Address Used: Ty Simpkins The UPS Store 5419 Hollywood Blvd. Suite C119 Los Angeles, CA 90027 USA Please see below for link to photo and envelope:

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Ty Simpkins Success!!! - 2016年4月8日
On 11/21/2015 I sent a letter, two pictures, and a self addressed stamped envelope to: Ty Simpkins The UPS Store 5419 Hollywood Blvd. Suite C119 Los Angeles, CA 90027 USA On 04/08/2016 I received my pictures back signed!!!

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Ty Simpkins - Jurassic Park - success - 2016年3月1日
Address: Ty Simpkins The UPS Store 5419 Hollywood Blvd. Suite C119 Los Angeles, CA 90027 USA 30.12.2015 - 01.03.2016 2 photos personalized and signed Scans: https://www.facebook.com/RaabigrammAutogramme Please <img src= my facebook page <img src=

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Ty Simpkins success!! - 2015年12月28日
Sent: 9/28 2015 Received: 12/28 2015 Address I used: 5419 Hollywood Blvd. STE C119 Los Angeles, CA 90027 USA Autograph and Q&A? He is awesome!!

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