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Usain Boltの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

Usain Bolt awesome SUCCESS - 2012年7月25日
I think besides maybe my Daniel Radcliffe signature, this is my favorite autograph in my collection. I'm a big track guy myself, and Usain Bolt is pretty much the god of track and I really look up to him as a fellow sprinter, so this is AWESOME to get back!! I had seen some success's about a month ago but then I never got anything back so I figured I wouldn't get a return. Glad I was wrong though. I sent an email to his website but I forget record the exact date I sent it, but it was in mid march. Today I got back a 4x6 postcard signed by Usain and a little Usain Bolt sticker. As far as I know, these are authentic. Sent: mid march Received: 7/25/12 Pic: Sorry, no envelope.

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Sent: 22th April 2012, LOR Received: 15th June 2012, 1 postcard signed Address used: Mr. Usain Bolt 6, The Causeway Teddington Middlesex TW11 0HE England Photo: http://autographpics.blogspot.com/ -

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Usain Bolt Email Success Fast!!! - 2011年12月25日
Around a month ago I sent an email to his official website and today I received a letter posted from Jamaica, with a 4x6 card signed in sharpie. His website says they have a limited number of signed cards, but they are authentic! Great success!

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Usain Bolt Success - 2011年11月16日
Received autographed picture of Usain Bolt, Jamaican Sprinter and a five-time World and three-time Olympic Gold Medalist all the way from Jamaica today http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/99494874.jpg/ sent an email to his website <img src=

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Usain Bolt email success - 2011年11月4日
Sent 8/26/2011 { Email Address } received 11/3/11 signed 4x6 4x6 http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/UsainBolt.JPG envelope http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/UsainBoltenv.JPG

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