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Vera Milesの直筆サイン入り写真 (12 / 17ページ):

Vera Miles Success - 2014年3月16日
Provided: LoR, SASE, Two Pics Date Sent: 2/14/14 Received: 3/14/14 Address Used: Vera Miles P.O. Box 1599 Palm Desert, CA 92261-1599 USA She also wrote me a letter back. ^u^ Im not going to post it though, its personal. Autographs: - - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Envelope: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Vera Miles 2nd Success - 2013年11月26日
Since my first attempt resulted in a 4x6 glossy photo that the signature merely rubbed off on, I sent her the same photo, this time an 8x10, and on MATTE paper to avoid the same result, along with a letter of explanation. I sent it only 6 days ago. It is BEYOND amazing that I received it back today. She is ON IT! - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Vera Miles - Success - 2013年11月19日
Sent/ 11 Octobre 2013 Received / 18 November 2012 Vera Miles P.O. Box 1599 Palm Desert, CA 92261-1599 USA Enveloppe + Photo - Comments about authenticity are welcome <img src=

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Vera Miles Psycho Success - 2013年9月28日
On 22.7.13 I sent a LOR, $5 and 6 photos off to Vera Miles from the cult movie Psycho. Today I received them all back signed in my SAE. I used the address in the database. Vera Miles P.O. Box 1599 Palm Desert, CA 92261-1599 USA Check out my website: http://www.ryansautographs.weebly.com/ -

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Vera Miles success - 2013年8月30日
Sent a handwritten LoR, 8"x10" photo, and SASE to the database address on 8/15/13, received personalized autograph from Ms. Miles on 8/27/13. Quick response from the legendary Vera Miles, this goes a long way to further appreciation, as in all who write back promptly with warmth and certainty. -

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