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Vince Papaleの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Vince Papale Philadelphia Eagles INVINCIBLE SUCCESS x2 - 2020年12月24日
Sent request on 9-15-20 recd 12-24-20 using this address c/o Vince Papale Promotions, LLC. P.O. Box 1635 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Recd signed photo

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Vince Papale success - 2015年11月7日
Sent letter 2 pictures and SASE on 8-19-15. Both returned signed 11-7-15. Address used: 11 Saint Moritz Ln. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-5123

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Vince Papale American Football... Invincible - 2015年8月18日
Vincent Francis Papale (born February 9, 1946 in Chester, Pennsylvania) is a former professional American football player. He played three seasons with the Philadelphia Eagles (1976-1978) of the National Football League following two seasons with the Philadelphia Bell of the World Football League. Papale was the inspiration for the 2006 movie Invincible. Sent him 2 photos on 4 Aug and got them back signed on 18 Aug. Wrote... you are invincible .. on each photo.. Mr Vince Papale 11 Saint Moritz Ln. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-5123

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vince papale success! - 2013年2月16日
PAPALE IS AWESOME!!!! sent a LOR SASE and 2 cards to vince and both were sent back personalized! my friend and i are a huge fan of him and the movie inVINCEable! so i sent him a letter telling him that me and my friend josh are a huge fan and how hes a huge inspiration! he personalized both cards for me and my friend! thanks vince!!!!!!!! sent 2-6-13 rec. 2-15-13! sent to address on fanmail site! vince papale p.o. box 1635 cherryhill,NJ 08034 -

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Vince Papale Philadelphia Eagles INVINCIBLE SUCCESS x2 - 2012年3月20日
Sent on 3/2/12: LOR, SASE, & my Invincible DVD cover Received on 3/19/12: Signed & inscribed DVD cover plus he sent me his own 5x7 signed & dedicated to me as well! Vince Papale PO Box 1635 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Very nice success. Thanks so much Mr. Papale! Now Im thinking I should send at least one of these to Mr. Wahlberg! - -

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