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Vincent M. Wardの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Actor Vincent M. Ward (The Walking Dead) TTM Success - 2013年12月30日
I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead. I sent out a letter to Vincent about two weeks ago to the address in the database. Today, I got my envelope and picture back, signed and personalized. It's awesome! He seems like such a great guy. Picture is down below. Enjoy! Uploaded with

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Vincent M. Ward success! Oscar from The Walking Dead - 2013年3月29日
Sent- Mar 14= LOR, SASE, Index Card Received- Mar 29th- Signed personalized Index Card, and Post Card.

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Vincent M. Ward SUCCESS!!! OSCAR from the WALKING DEAD - 2013年3月14日
P.O.Box 44064 Los Angeles, CA.90044 USA Success (18 Days) 2013/01/15 2013/02/02 Comment: Signed 4/4 in faded sharpie! But awesome success! Photos of Successes----> [youtube2YSZfrXKNH0[/youtube

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Vincent M. Ward (Walking Dead) success - 2012年11月24日
Got my custom card back signed. He also sent a signed 4x6 photo which he provided. Mailed 11/6/12...Recv.11/23/12 Mailed to .O.Box 44064 Los Angeles, CA.90044 Uploaded with

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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