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Vitali Klitschkoの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Vitali Klitschko and Wladimir Klitschko - 2014年10月13日
s: LOR, SASE r: signed photos Klitschko Management Group GmbH Autograph Große Elbstraße 275 22767 Hamburg Germany

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Vitali Klitschko and Wladimir Klitschko - (SUCCESS!!!) - 2014年7月31日
Hello, Today Ive recieved my mail from Klitschos brothers. I think that they are pre-signed from the management <img src= Sent: April 2014 Recieved: 31. July 2014 Address used: Klitschko Management Group GmbH Autograph Grosse Elbstrasse 275 22767 Hamburg Germany -

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Vitali Klitschko and Vladimir Klitschko success - 2014年5月12日
Sent: Selfe addressed envelope and 2 euros 5 months ago to the address from the website Recieved: 2 photos, one signed by vitali and the other one by Vladimir -

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Vitali Klitschko Success - 2014年1月24日
Sent 21.11.2013 Vitali Klitschko Klitschko Management Group GmbH Große Elbstraße 275 22767 Hamburg Germany [germany<!-- s[germany --> 

 Received 24.01.2014

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Wladimir Klitschko and Vitali Klitschko Success - 2013年9月3日
Sent: SASE / 27 August 2013 Received: 2 cards and 1 flyer / 03 September 2013 Address: http://www.klitschko.com/fanzone/autograph-card/ - - - Please note: The address at http://www.fanmail.biz/112144.html is not up to date anymore. New address above.

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