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W. P. Kinsellaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

W. P. Kinsella author.. Field of Dreams - 2016年3月2日
William Patrick Kinsella, OC, OBC (born May 25, 1935) is a Canadian novelist and short story writer, known for his novel Shoeless Joe (1982), which was adapted into the movie Field of Dreams in 1989. His work has often concerned baseball, First Nations people, and other Canadian issues. Contacted him by email from his website asking about me sending his book "Shoeless Joe" for him to sign.. He wrote back asking me to send him a bookplate instead of the book and he would signed that for me.. Sent him a bookplate on 11 Feb and I got it back signed on 3 Mar.. He signed it Bill Kinsella. Mr. W. P. Kinsella PO Box 65 Yale, BC VOK 2S0 Canada

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