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Warren Robinettの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Warren Robinett (Atari, Adventure) SUCCESS! - 2020年9月17日
I sent a letter, SASE and photo on August 1st and today I received it back signed along with a note! Address used: Mr. Warren Robinett 1931 S. Glencrest Avenue Springfield, MO 65804-2508

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Warren Robinett Success - 2013年6月21日
Warren Robinett is the man responsible for creating Adventure for the Atari. Adventure is famous for being the first game to ever have a hidden easter egg, or secret, in the game. Since Atari was notorious for not giving the creators credit at the time, Warren hid his name in the code. After discovering the trick a couple months after releasing the game, Atari left it in. Adventure was one of the Atari 2600's best selling games. Sent June 7th, returned June 21st. I won't post his address since it is a private one, but his email is ridiculously easy to find.

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