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Wendy Craigの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Wendy Craig success - 2014年2月17日
addr: Waring and McKenna, 44, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7LN, UK sent: LOR+SASE+card (06.feb.2014.) rec: my card signed (17.feb.2014.) <img src=

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Wendy Craig success and failure - 2013年9月5日
I sent 2 seperate requests to Wendy, one I sent two photos to be signed and the other I sent a Q+A as well as 2 others in one envelope on: 23rd August 2013, and yesterday I recieved my photos back with only 1 signed and personalized, the other returned unsigned, plus no Q+A back, but she returned the other SAE. Still very happy though <img src= address I used was: Waring and McKenna, 44, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7LN Here is the pic: -

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Wendy Craig success - 2013年8月16日
I sent a letter and SAE to Wendy as well as 8 others in one envelope on: 29th July 2013, and today I recieved this signed and personalized photo from her. <img src= address I used was: Waring and McKenna, 44, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7LN Here is the pic: -

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