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Wilford Brimleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

Wilford Brimley success - 2012年1月24日
On 11-25-11 i sent Mr. Brimley a LOR and SASE and today (1-24-12) i received in my SASE a BWISP. I mentioned in my letter that The China Syndrome was my favorite film that he was in so he sent me one in character as Ted Spindler. The address i used was 240 Greybull Ave. Greybull, Wy. 82426. No scanner

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Wilford Brimley Success! - 2011年11月22日
Today I got my index card back in the mail, signed by Wilford Brimley. In addition to the index card, he also sent an autographed 8.5x11 cast photo from Cocoon: The Return. He used his own envelope plus additional postage (he taped my original SASE to the front of the bigger envelope). The address I used was 240 Greybull Avenue, Greybull, WY 82426. The request was sent on November 14, 2011 (8 days total). Here is the index card: http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/4838/wilfordbrimley.jpg Here is the cast photo: http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/6899/wilfordbrimleypic.jpg Here is the return envelope: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/9025/wilfordbrimleyenvelope.jpg Happy Hunting! - The Hancock Hunter (http://hancockhunter.blogspot.com/)

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Wilford Brimley - 2011年10月24日
Sent: LOR, IC, SASE to ###://www.fanmail.biz/57434.html:database address Received: ###://crestion.blogspot.com/2011/10/wilford-brimley.html:Signed 8x10 from Cocoon the Return (Mentioned I was a huge fan of Cocoon) in a 9x11 envelope with my SASE taped to the front and additional postage added. 2477 River Front Drive Santa Clara, UT 84765-5437 USA

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Wilford Brimley Success (Classic Movie Actor) - 2011年10月22日
Brimley, Wilford Success (96 Days) 2011/07/17 2011/10/21 2477 River Front Drive Santa Clara, UT 84765-5437 USA >> 3/3 Smeared Signed Photos [youtubeAiKbZqU4bMM[/youtube

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Wilford Brimley Great Success - 2011年5月4日
Hi, Great success from the veteran actor Wilford Brimley and star of Cocoon. sent to his home address in database 28th March rec 2 10 by 8 signed and personalised photos And he also returned my IRC ! Great that he paid the postage himself Wilford Brimley 2477 River Front Drive Santa Clara, UT 84765-5437 regards Sean

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