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Wilko Johnsonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Wilko Johnson (Game of Thrones, musician) success - 2013年7月19日
Had an amazing success today. 3 or so months ago I sent out a bunch of my custom "Game of Thrones" cards. One was to Wilko Johnson. He is most famous for being a musician. Anyways, after sending the card out. It was reported that he has terminal cancer and was stopping all treatments. He was going to keep performing for as long as he could. A few weeks ago I contacted the music label I sent my card to. The guy I spoke to said they didnt rep him anymore. But, he just had seen Wilco and gave him a few letters he gotten. I figured I wouldnt hear back. Since why would he waste his time with trivial things like autographs. Well todays mail brought my card back....Signed! I was thrilled. Even better is that he is seems to be doing a bit better and is continuing his performing longer than he thought. Mailed 4/8/13...Recv.7/18/13 Mailed to: Jungle Records (No longer valid) -

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