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William Phippsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Success - My Prince came! William Phipps - 2018年2月1日
Sent two pics to William E Phibbs on 12/4/18 and got them both back signed on 01/20/18 William Phipps P.O. Box 6036 Malibu, CA 90264-6036 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/94847ee ... k3811.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/94847ee ... 7vq2j.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/94847ee ... wpjns.html

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William Phipps Actor 1947 - 2000 - 2017年12月7日
William Edward Phipps (born February 4, 1922) is a retired American actor and producer, perhaps best known for his roles in dozens of classic sci-fi and westerns, both in films and on television. United States entered into World War II, and Phipps enlisted in the United States Navy, serving as a radio operator on several ships all across the Pacific. Phipps' career highlights include the speaking voice of Prince Charming in Disney's Cinderella (1950), the post-apocalyptic Five (1951) (his only leading role), The War of the Worlds (1953), narrating the television version of Dune (1984), and Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993). Sent him 2 photos on 19 Oct, but he only sent one back , but it was signed.. Got it on 7 Dec. Mr William Phipps PO Box 6036 Malibu, CA 90264

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William Phipps - Success - 2017年11月18日
Sent : 27 October 2017 Received : 18 November 2017 William Phipps P.O. Box 6036 Malibu, CA 90264-6036 USA Comments about authenticity are welcome

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William Phipps (Actor) Success - 2017年7月28日
Sent: 6/09/2017 2 photos, index card Received: 7/27/2017 everything back signed with a note on index card! I guess I forgot to send my custom photo so he told me to resend it. So, I'll be sending off to him again soon! Address used in the database William Phipps P.O. Box 6036 Malibu, CA 90264-6036 USA

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William Phipps success! - 2017年7月28日
Sent: LoR, picture to be signed, SASE on June 9th, 2017 Received: Picture signed on July 27th, 2017 The funny thing is, I've already had a success with him. With how some people got replies within weeks and I hadn't, I thought my request or the autograph had gotten lost in the mail, but it turned out that it was just taking longer. Lesson learned--have patience! This is very cool. William Phipps didn't have many lines--only three, I believe--and he wasn't the singer of Prince Charming, either, but this is still incredible. He is the only living cast member of Cinderella 1950. Thank you so much, Mr. William Phipps! William Phipps P.O. Box 6036 Malibu, CA 90264-6036 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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