Winston Groomの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):
Winston Groom Success - 2017年9月18日 Sent: LOR, book and SASE on 8/1/17
Received: Book, personalized, inscribed and signed on 9/18/17
Address used:
Winston Groom
PO Box 1061
Point Clear, AL 36564
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Winston Groom (Forest Gump) Success!! - 2013年2月12日 I sent to Winston Groom, who was the author of the book "Forrest Gump", which the movie was based. I sent him my DVD cover, LOR, SASE. He signed both for me! Used addy in database. Thanks Winston and fanmail.biz!
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winston groom ("gump" author) success - 2012年11月10日 sent: 10.17.12
recd: 11.9.12
used address in db
Winston Groom
P.O. Box 1061
Point Clear, AL 36564-1061
http://www.freewebs.com/nathansautos/ap ... =169242126
no envelope |  |
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WINSTON GROOM (AWESOME SUCCESS) FORREST GUMP!!! - 2012年2月25日 http://ttmcentral.weebly.com/
Groom, Winston Success
(10 Days)
2012/02/14 2012/02/24
PHOTOS OF AUTOGRAPHS----> http://tinyurl.com/7oadevv
18096 Woodland
Point Clear, AL 36564
>> 5/5 Signed
PHOTOS OF AUTOGRAPHS----> http://tinyurl.com/7oadevv
video |   |
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