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Wladimir Klitschkoの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

Vitali Klitschko and Wladimir Klitschko - success !!! - 2012年11月21日
Hi, sent a request without photos on the 24th Sept to address in database. Arrived a signed picture from both on the 17th Nov: -

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Vitali Klitschko und Wladimir Klitschko - success!!! - 2012年9月16日
Hey, yesterday I get 2 Autographs of the Klitschko brothers <img src= [ugotmail I am so happy about it <img src= Here you can see the two Autographs: http://manuel.feser.de/other-sports.html - - Here the envelope ;)<!-- s;) --> 

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->

I used the address from the database <!-- s<img src= --><img src=

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Sport - Boxe - Wladimir Klitschko - 2012年8月1日
Date Send: 20/03/2012 Date Received: 01/08/2012 Sent : 1 photos + LETTRE + ENVELOPPE RETURN whith no stamp Received : MY photo signed whith my ENVELOPPE RETURN It is about an original autograph on a photo. I compared the autograph with the other members and autographs are any various. Have a look here : http://www.mp22.book.fr ----------- TAKE TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHOTOS AND LEAVE I A SMALL MESSAGE. THANK YOU. KISSES IN YOU ALL. Discover my FACEBOOK page with all my autographs : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Le-monde ... 8759012214 FAN MAIL IN DATABASE : Wladimir Klitschko Klitschko Management Group GmbH Borselstrasse 28 - Haus I 22765 Hamburg Germany -

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Wladimir Klitschko / Vitali Klitschko BOXING success - 2012年7月30日
send my 2 foto personalised the 15 may 2012 recieved the two foto signed today 30 july 2012 - used the adress on the database happy <img src=

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Vitali Klitschko and Wladimir Klitschko success - 2012年6月29日
hey i send a LOR and SASE on May 12th, 2012 on this adress: Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko Klitschko Management Group GmbH Autograph Borselstr. 28, Haus i 22765 Hamburg Germany and get today (June 29th, 2012) a autograph from both <img src= envelope and autographs: -

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