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Xavier Naidooの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Xavier Naidoo Success, german Singer - 2020年3月13日
[uHeute Neu:[/u Xavier Naidoo c/o naidoo records GmbH, Kamenzer Straße 10, 68309 Mannheim 7 von 8 mitgeschickten Fotos signiert 6 mit Widmung + Begleitschreiben das er keine Autogrammkarten mehr hat und nur noch Fotos und CD-Booklets signiert 04.03.2020 - 13.03.2020

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Xavier Naidoo SUCCESS! - 2014年7月19日
got a fast success from xavier naidoo. my girlfriend is a huge fan of him - i asked for a personalized autograph. and he did it...very happy with it sent: 10.07.2014 (LOR, SASE, Booklet) received: 17.07.2014 (signed & personalized booklet) address: Xavier Naidoo Naidoo Records GmbH Kamenzerstrasse 10 68309 Mannheim photo: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures sorry, no scan of envelope!

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Xavier Naidoo success!! - 2013年7月6日
Send: 01.07.2013 Recieved: 06.07.2013 He signed my booklet. Address: Xavier Naidoo Naidoo Records GmbH Kamenzerstrasse 10 68309 Mannheim Germany - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Xavier Naidoo (German singer) Success - 2012年7月14日
I sent a LOR, SASE and the booklet of my "Telegramm für X"-CD on 11.07.2012 and recieved it back signed and personalized today. <img src= (with a flyer about child poverty in Mannheim and a bookmark of his band): http://i716.photobucket.com/albums/ww17 ... M_0605.jpg Used adress: Xavier Naidoo c/o Naidoo records GmbH Stichwort: Fanpost Postfach 420235 68281 Mannheim Germany

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